Simply put, we give because we love God. He wants to be first in every aspect of our lives—including our finances. Giving isn’t just about our money; it’s about our relationship with God. By bringing Him a portion of what He has blessed us with, we’re demonstrating that our heart is His and that we trust Him enough to provide for us in every aspect of our lives.
You can easily give or set up recurring gifts through our secure online giving portal.
You can give through the Alive Church App or text any amount to the number (352) 612-3848.
You can always give during services at any of our campuses and drop it on the drop boxes.
OverFlow is an easy and secure way to give online. You can give anonymously or login to your personal account and keep track of your giving progress. In addition, you can set up recurring monthly payments to make giving even easier! Set up scheduled gifts, make giving pledges, and securely save your financial information.
Take the 90-Day Tithing Challenge! God’s Word is true and this is an opportunity for us to test God, just like He asks us to. We will encourage you through this process, offer prayers and other resources, and walk with you as you experience the joy that comes with simply being obedient to God. Click below to get started!
+ What is a tithe?
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3:10 (NIV)
The word tithe means one-tenth. So, when God calls us to bring our tithe to the storehouse in Malachi 3:10, He is asking us to return one tenth of our increase back to Him through the church. The tithe is holy. It is something that we intentionally set aside for God as a form of worship to Him and as a way to honor Him.
+ What is an offering?
An offering is anything that you give to God outside of the tithe. The tithe is what you return to God, but the offering is what you purpose in your heart to give back to God.
+ What does tithing look like under grace?
There are many ideas about what tithing means under grace. Here at Alive, we believe that tithing is just as relevant now as it was in the Old Testament under the law. In fact, we see that Abraham returned the tithe before the law was even established! So, tithing is not just an Old Testament principle. When we return the tithe back to God through the local church, we are offering Him a powerful expression of love, trust, and honor. By placing our treasure into God’s hands, we are proving that He holds our hearts.
+ How much should I tithe?
Find your annual income on the chart below and the based on the percentage you wish to tithe that will determine your monthly giving.
+ How should I tithe if my income varies from pay period to pay period?
Depending on which is more feasible for your situation, you can handle tithing with a fluctuating income in a couple different ways. Some people choose to give exactly one-tenth of their earnings for each individual pay-period. Others estimate their total earning for the year and give a portion of the total tithe each week or month throughout the year.)